Winston Lawrence

Project Manager & Occasional developer

Review: Inaugural post - objective

I decided to add a review section to my notebook because there are a lot of good products that I use and that I think is worth a mention from time to time. Since this section will cover products that I use, then by definition, products that I don't use because I have no need for them, or don't use because they are junk, will in general not be reviewed because they are not being used. I haven't worked out a formal template for these posts yet, but I expect to use something like the following:
Name of Application/Service/Product:
Type of Application: (WebAPP, WebService, Iphone App, Windows App, Mac OS/X App, Hardware [category])
Platform: Windows, Mac, Iphone, Linux
Company Name:
Description: What it does
Usage: What I am doing with it, how well it works, good points and bad etc.

Winston Lawrence

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