As if looking for a job isn't difficult enough, job seekers need to be particularly aware of the job scammers who have picked up on online job sites as a means to target job seekers. Above are some example emails (click on image to enlarge) - and yes they are images since I wasn't entirely sure there were no malicious links or anything else inside the email so I was not about to copy and paste the original into this blog post.
You can see the carefully tuned job description (complete with spelling errors):
Data entry/ Customer Service/ Exectuive Assistant/Procurement/
Operations Manager/Management Trainee/Assistant Manager/Finance & Accounts.
I think they left off "Chief cook" and "Bottle Washer" but seriously pay attention folks this clearly screams scam artist.
Also note how cleverly they describe the company where you will be working (hint: they don't).
DO NOT send these people personal information - there is no job they either: