I am looking forward to 2011 as a year with a lot of potential. This blog, now heading into its third 'calendar' year, was one of the exceptions for 2010 in that it did exceed my expectation. One of the unexpected and now, rewarding, parts of writing this blog is the reader interaction, sometimes with very succesful blog authors and entrepreneurs that I might otherwise have never communicated with.
I have been trying to keep up a consistent average of one post per week. The post-a-week objective still stands, however 'Real Life' has a tendency to change plans so adaptation is key. I have just started a new Project Management gig which is good, unfortunately I'm back to that 5 hour a day round-trip commute which is not so good. I don't have a whole lot of time to do much of anything at home during the week after spending 45 hours in the office and another 25 hours commuting.
So, blog posts may be a little less predictable even as I find that I have more topics to write about. Perhaps blogging during some of that commute time will make that time more productive. I'm not complaining though, it's great to be involved in fairly complex, enterprise-level technology projects again.
I'm not going to say anything else about the project other than it is very large scale and heavily using server and desktop virtualization technology. While I was already familiar with, and have even used a lot of the core technology in the past, there is quite a lot that has changed. Operating system virtualization techniques for example have improved significantly over the last three years and while I have some 64-bit capable hardware at home I have not yet installed or worked hands-on with any 64-bit operating systems so I do have some catching up to do.
I'm probably going to write some more Project Management theme posts in 2011, particularly as this project progresses, but there are still a couple of draft technology articles in the pipeline, that I haven't quite finished including some of my android development experiences.
That's about it. What else have I been doing? Working, getting ready to enjoy the holidays, spending time with the family and playing with technology.
Hope you all have had a great 2010 and even more so that you will have an even better 2011.